Foss Companies Awarded Jones F. Devlin Safety Awards
Eighty-One Vessels Recognized at CSA Meeting in New Orleans
SEATTLE, June 1, 2013— The Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) has recognized the Foss family of companies for their commitment to safety by granting Jones F. Devlin Awards to 81 of their tugs and manned barges.

Foss Marine Holdings Vice President of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Susan Hayman accepted the awards from Bruce Fernie, chairman of the Chamber of Shipping of America. Photo by Barry Champagne Photography.
Eight-one Foss vessels were recognized at the CSA’s Annual Safety Awards Luncheon held in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 23, 2013. Altogether, the Foss vessels achieved the equivalent of 463 years without a lost-time injury.
Three levels of achievement are recognized by CSA: A basic two-year award; a three-year award; and a four-year award. Of Foss’ 81-awarded vessels, 47 received a special award that is given annually to ships with five or more years of accident-free operation.
“We stress the importance of safety in everything we do,” said Foss’ Chief Executive Officer Paul Stevens. “We strive to continually improve the safety of our operations. We’re proud of the men and women who work hard to earn Foss this prestigious recognition.”
The coveted Jones F. Devlin Safety Awards are given to self-propelled merchant vessels that have operated for two full years or more without a crewmember losing a full turn at watch because of an occupational injury. The award has publicly recognized the skills and dedication of the men and women who are responsible for those safe vessel operations for 55 years.
“This year, we gave awards to 1,438 vessels that operated 8,394 years without a lost-time incident,” said Joseph J. Cox, CSA President. “This extraordinary record is directly attributable to the professionalism of our seafarers and the dedication of shore-based company personnel to safe operation.”
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About Foss Marine Holdings
Foss Marine Holdings, Inc., based in Seattle, Wash., was established in 2000 by Saltchuk Resources Inc. as a holding and support company for investments in tug, barge and ancillary marine service companies. Foss Marine Holdings tug and barge companies offer a broad range of marine services. See for more information.
About the Chamber of Shipping of America
The Chamber of Shipping of America represents 31 U.S. based companies that own, operate or charter oceangoing tankers, container ships, dry bulk vessels engaged in both the domestic and international trades and companies that maintain a commercial interest in the operation of such oceangoing vessels. Current members include companies that own or operate U.S. flag or foreign-flag ships. A company owning or operating only foreign-flag tonnage must have an office in the United States to qualify for membership.